According to a new RAND Corporation study, South Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Project has helped to reduce the number of repeat DUI arrests and additionally there was a 9% reduction rate in the number of domestic violence arrests. The 24/7 Sobriety Program is an alcohol monitoring program that is court-ordered when someone has been charged with an alcohol related offense.
Researchers in the RAND study found that frequent alcohol testing followed by swift but modest sanctions was efficient in reducing repeat drunk driving arrests. The study’s finding was that the 24/7 program was associated with a 12% reduction in repeat DUI arrests , and that overall there were modest reductions in traffic crashes.
The RAND Corporation analyzed data from 2004 to 2010, and Judge Larry Long has said that RAND independently analyzing the data lent to the reliability of the results.
The program requires those charged with multiple DUI’s to submit to twice-daily alcohol breath tests, and some participants were required to wear alcohol-monitoring bracelets as well as install an ignition interlock device on their vehicle.